joy loverde
Joy Loverde

Path Carver.
Keynote Speaker.
Best-selling Author.

Solo Aging ♦ Senior Living ♦ Aging Parents

Family Caregivers: Are you addicted to busyness?

Author, Damon Brown writes, “’Projects, people and passions can keep us on the move, but there is a distinct difference between busyness and productivity. Productivity feels like you do not want to stop. Busyness feels like you cannot stop.”

Busyness fulfils the ego. Busyness becomes a measurement of worth.

Busyness fulfills guilt. Not taking a break, especially during crucial periods and fearing vacations.

Busyness fulfills the silence. To be still feels scary and can result in feeling anxiously bored.


What’s this got to do with family caregiving? Busyness is the start of caregiver burnout.

Perhaps you can recall as a child when you were not engaged in an activity of some sort. Sitting on the sofa in the summertime between school sessions. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do. Nothing to achieve.

How do we eventually evolve into people who are busy every waking hour? As personal and professional responsibilities pile up around us, relentless real-life demands pull us in every direction.

For me, a client wants the status report by tomorrow. I’m on a deadline to create and deliver a keynote for a fundraising event. I squeeze in a workout. Take Mom to the doctor. And cram in one more load of laundry immediately after declaring I am headed straight to bed.

Has busyness slowly crept into your life?

No one is impressed with exhaustion, over-scheduling, and busyness. Friends and family are the first to help us understand the destructiveness of our busyness.  They may say things like:

“You are running yourself ragged for nothing. You will never get it all done.”

“You will never get those hours back checking email.”

“You’re always distracted and making mistakes.”


 To live an unbalanced life comes at a hefty price.  Choose what to do with your time carefully. Life is short.