joy loverde
Joy Loverde

Path Carver.
Keynote Speaker.
Best-selling Author.

Solo Aging ♦ Senior Living ♦ Aging Parents


Attention Adult Children: Got an Aging Parent Who Does Nothing All Day?

You get along fine with Mom and Dad. You have your life, and they have theirs. You do what you want and so do they. Sometimes that means your parents spend their entire day doing nothing more than sitting around the house watching TV, reading the newspaper, making something to eat, taking naps, and watching […]

Attention Adult Children: Got an Aging Parent Who Does Nothing All Day? Read More »

Family Caregivers: Are you addicted to busyness?

Author, Damon Brown writes, “’Projects, people and passions can keep us on the move, but there is a distinct difference between busyness and productivity. Productivity feels like you do not want to stop. Busyness feels like you cannot stop.” Busyness fulfils the ego. Busyness becomes a measurement of worth. Busyness fulfills guilt. Not taking a

Family Caregivers: Are you addicted to busyness? Read More »

Caring for Aging Parents? How Can I Be In Two Place At Once?

Managing the care of parents and others requires updating our mindsets to fit the situation. On any given day we grapple with questions like: Who makes the decisions? Who pays for what? We also ride the daily emotional rollercoaster, simultaneously feeling sad, angry, guilty, loving and helpless and often wonder if we are “losing it.”

Caring for Aging Parents? How Can I Be In Two Place At Once? Read More »

Holidays Are NOT the Ideal Time to Talk About Eldercare – Part 1

With the holiday season fast approaching, you may think this is an ideal time to openly discuss eldercare needs with the people in your immediate family. And I think otherwise. You’ve probably heard the expression, “timing is everything.” That statement is especially true when it comes to holiday family gatherings. Think about a past situation

Holidays Are NOT the Ideal Time to Talk About Eldercare – Part 1 Read More »

How to Get Your Aging Parents to Exercise

When I walked into Mom’s apartment, she was sitting on the sofa with a bag of ice on her arm. Seeing her sitting there looking sad and out of sorts stopped me dead in my tracks. As I was trying to process the situation, she said, “Aren’t you going to feel sorry for me?” I

How to Get Your Aging Parents to Exercise Read More »

Attention Adult Children of Aging Parents. Ask this simple question.

I recently faced the massive task of closing an office and relocating my business to a more convenient, but smaller location. There were stacks of books and files, office supplies, furniture, and intricate electronics to move and re-connect, and I kept my fingers crossed that computers and other electronics would network perfectly on the other

Attention Adult Children of Aging Parents. Ask this simple question. Read More »

Got Aging Parents? Should you take away the car keys?

If you like to listen to TED Talks as much as I do then you might have come across the lecture by Bran Ferren and his inspiring presentation titled, “To create for the ages, let’s combine art and engineering.” When Bran Ferren was nine years old his parents took him to see the Pantheon in Rome —

Got Aging Parents? Should you take away the car keys? Read More »

Are you a family caregiver? If it’s time for hospice read this first.

Like many Baby Boomers, I am experiencing the deaths of close friends and beloved family members at a fast and furious rate. Sometimes the deaths come after a long and painful dying process. Other times – Poof! People die with little to no warning. This month alone, four individuals whom I loved dearly died unexpectedly.

Are you a family caregiver? If it’s time for hospice read this first. Read More »

Adult Children of Aging Parents: Curb the Urge to Take Over

Everybody is “right.” You’re right and the person you are caring for is right. No matter what the situation, everybody feels like they are the one who is right.   But hold on. Whose life is it anyway? It doesn’t matter if what you have to say is “the truth.” It doesn’t matter if you

Adult Children of Aging Parents: Curb the Urge to Take Over Read More »